Edexcel Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past Papers

Edexcel (Pearson) functional skills maths level 2 exams contain two separate exam papers, a non-calculator paper and a calculator paper. Candidates are required to have a pen, pencil, ruler, protractor, pair of compasses and a calculator for section B. Section A consists of more simple questions compared to section B, which contains more complex questions, requiring you to work through multiple step problems.

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Edexcel Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam: At a Glance

Calculator? Marks Time
Section A Section A Non-Calculator 16 Marks 25 Minutes
Section B Section B Calculator 48 Marks 90 Minutes
Total Total - 64 Marks 115 Minutes

Full List of Edexcel Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past Papers

Edexcel Functional Skills Maths Level 2

Edexcel Functional Skills Maths Level 2 (Old Specification)

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What topic areas are covered in the exam?

Edexcel (Pearson) functional skills maths level 2 papers use the same specification as most functional skills exam boards, all the content covered is contained within the following three topics:

  1. Using numbers and the number system
  2. Measures, shape and space
  3. Handling information and data

It is imperative that you include all your workings and calculations, this enables you to gain method marks when you have used the correct method but have reached the wrong answer. Typically, the pass mark for Edexcel (Pearson) functional skills maths level 2 past papers is between 50% and 60%, which is between 32 and 38 marks.

Edexcel Functional Skills Maths Level 2: Key Details

Qualification title Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics at Level 2
Qualification Number (QN) Qualification Number (QN) 603/4268/7
Approved age ranges Approved age ranges Pre-16, 16-18, 19+
Total Qualification Time (TQT) Total Qualification Time (TQT) 66 hours
Guided Learning Hours (GLH) Guided Learning Hours (GLH) 55 hours
Assessment type Assessment type Externally set, on-demand assessment.
Grading Grading The qualification is graded Pass/Fail.
Entry requirements Entry requirements No prior knowledge, understanding, skills or qualifications are required.