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Pass Functional Skills

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Pass Functional Skills

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  1. Amazing service, passed first time! So happy! Thank you PFS!

  2. Amazing service, passed first time! So happy! Thank you PFS!

  3. Amazing work, amazing job to PFS.
    It could me 3 weeks complete all my assignments and then pass my exams for time round.

    I would definitely recommend PFS to another wanted to do their level 1 or 2 English and Maths.

  4. Did the exam and results back just over a week. A smooth process all the way through and good communication. I don’t like maths so having people that get this and help you through it was a relief. Totally different to school.

    Charles Bell - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam (verified owner)
  5. Excellent support in booking, preparing and taking the exams.

  6. Useful set of practice questions in paper format

  7. Good service that helped me to get ready for the level 1 test and give me confidence to move onto level 2 exam

  8. The functional skills maths level 2 exam was 2 hours long and had non calucaltor section with a calculator part after. I found the first bit hardest but managed to get 70% overall so it didn’t matter as its just a pass or fail exam so as long as you get like 60% I think this is fine to get the certificate.

    Alisha Rehal - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam (verified owner)
  9. The online English level 2 exams were much less stress than I thought they wouyld be. You do reading and writing back to back and the speaking one with a small number of other people. I registered and passed within a few weeks, way easier than college and I can move on with my life.

  10. Math level 2 all went well

  11. The functional skills maths level 2 exam was 2 hours long and had non calucaltor section with a calculator part after. I found the first bit hardest but managed to get 70% overall so it didn’t matter as its just a pass or fail exam so as long as you get like 60% I think this is fine to get the certificate.

    Alisha Rehal - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam (verified owner)
  12. The English functional course was very helpful in helping me to get to grips with that was needed to pass the exam.

  13. Passed first time!!! Yey!!!!!! Great support from the exams team email. Simple process.

  14. Good product just a few days on the shipping which was a touch irritating

  15. Excellent resource for learning.

    Encho Gilbert - Admin Fee
  16. The cards and revision papers were a good set together. The card front cover was slightly scratched which was annoying but didn’t impact on the quality of the content so all fine.

  17. Working through the maths course made me think why did they not do it like this at school, it seems so much easier than the nonsense we had to cover in gcse maths classes. Good company and website for the maths level 2 course

  18. The online English level 2 exams were much less stress than I thought they wouyld be. You do reading and writing back to back and the speaking one with a small number of other people. I registered and passed within a few weeks, way easier than college and I can move on with my life.

  19. I give the cards 5 stars as they are easy to follow and explain it clearly.

  20. The book was quite good in making the concepts easy to follow and shows you how to get to the answer the quickest way round.

  21. I give the cards 5 stars as they are easy to follow and explain it clearly.

  22. It did take me 2 goes to pass this exam. I didn’t get the course or free resit that comes with it so I had to pay again which was really annoying. Now I am in my job I can see it was worth it but wish I had just got my maths at school and saved the expense

    D Crisp - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam (verified owner)
  23. I have been trying for years to pluck up the courage and enroll on a course as I was 1 mark off my “C” grade for GCSEs. Not getting my “C” and believing it’s impossible for me to “get” Maths caused me to develop a massive fear and anxiety over trying.

    I was in a position where I needed my Functional Skills Level 2 or I’d never be able to start my nursing career. Researched lots of different courses and thought for my learning style Pass functional skills offer the best programme. Enrolled and booked my test there and then.

    The course content was brilliant I could watch the videos over and over again try the questions and then go back through the video solutions until I could understand it, you have access to so many mock papers and I was able to practice lots and most importantly gain the confidence to commit to my answers.

    After 2 weeks of enrolling on the course I PASSED my exam and I couldn’t be happier.

    Thank you so much Pass functional skills!

    Abi Hitchings - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Course (verified owner)
  24. i passed 2 time thank you functional skills

  25. This site has help me so far, free access to past papers, free initial assessment and so on. Hence, it gives me the strength to book for level 2 English exams without even thinking.

    Had my speaking and listening exams few days ago, waiting for the reading and writing. If I pass my level 2 English will book for level 2 maths. have told my class mates about this site, they said go on if you made it then we are coming to do ours as well. so fingers cross. will come back to update you soon.

    Fatima Bangs - Functional Skills English Level 2 Online Exam (verified owner)
  26. Good service

    m Trainer - Admin Fee
  27. I cannot thank you enough for the fantastic support you have just given my son during his SLC exam.
    He was very anxious prior to the exam and due to your fantastic staff, he felt confident enough to participate and is really pleased he went ahead with the exam. Excellent staff, amazing company. Thank you

    Kerry Richardson - Functional Skills English Level 2 Online Exam (verified owner)
  28. I cannot thank you enough for the fantastic support you have just given my son during his SLC exam.
    He was very anxious prior to the exam and due to your fantastic staff, he felt confident enough to participate and is really pleased he went ahead with the exam. Excellent staff, amazing company. Thank you

    Kerry Richardson - Functional Skills English Level 2 Online Exam (verified owner)
  29. Good support

    Suleyman ahmed saleebaan - Admin Fee
  30. Good shipping and product

  31. Impeccable service. Got the help from the get go and all the way through to the exam. I found doing it all at home much less stressful than my school days.

    Ben Stratton - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam (verified owner)
  32. I wanted to get into nursing and was told I had to do an extra exam even though I have a degree and other qualifications, I just never got my GCSE English language equivalent exam done. I feel irritated that I had to do this functional skills English but this company was as nice as they could be in getting me set up and ready. The test itself wasn’t too difficult as long as you et the prep right.

  33. The course was the best thing I found to help with my functional skills English revision. pass functional skills have been a great website for revision

  34. Forget the revision guides and workbooks, the functional skills maths course is far more useful. All the practice and revision videos you could hope to see and well structured to make planning and timing revision easier. It is a bit pricey but worth the bucks 🙂

  35. The exam went well and passed with flying colours!

    T Vandries - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam (verified owner)
  36. I passed the 2 parts of the exam and made a silly mistake on one and had to resit. Although it was annoying the Pass Functional service helped me with it and made sure I passed my resit. A very caring service who genuinely want you to pass. Thanks again for the support

  37. Excellent services,

    Archana - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Course (verified owner)
  38. Excellent services,

    Archana - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Course (verified owner)
  39. Great service, practical papers are excellent.

  40. Great service, practical papers are excellent.

  41. The obline English level 2 exam was not as scary as I had expected. There are 3 parts and all you need to do is follow the guidance, do some revision and you should be good to go.

  42. Good to help with revision for English level 2

  43. Happy to leave a review and recommend. A good product and fast shipping service.

  44. Good course!

  45. The maths level 2 revision cards are a top buy. I found them to be great in the run up to the exam day in just testing previous topics and doing some last minute revision

  46. I passed!!!! :):)): I had 2 attempts elssewhere doing it in a centre and decided to take an online English exam instead in my own place. This really calmed the nerves and I felt so much more confident. Forget college, forget exam centres, doing it the exam online is definitely better and easier.

  47. Happy with the all round service

    M Grenstreet - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam (verified owner)
  48. Hi I’ve just passed my functional skills maths level 2 at last, college did not work for me so this brilliant company helped me pass so I can start my top-up for nursing thankyoux

    Sharon English - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Course (verified owner)
  49. Hi I’ve just passed my functional skills maths level 2 at last, college did not work for me so this brilliant company helped me pass so I can start my top-up for nursing thankyoux

    Sharon English - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Course (verified owner)
  50. Course was good in giving a clear series of tasks to undertake. I found the videos useful and the notes too.