Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past Papers
Functional Skills Level 2 is equivalent to a pass at GCSE (level 4 or grade C). On this page, you will find Functional Skills Maths Level 2 past papers, sorted by exam board. Every exam board has the same curriculum for Functional Skills Maths Level 2, and you will be assessed on the following skills:
- Use of numbers and the number system
- Use of measures, shape and space
- Handling information and data.
Furthermore, 25% of marks in Functional Skills Maths Level 2 are assigned to underpinning skills, while 75% of the marks are assigned to problem solving. Access all other revision materials here: functional skills level 2 resources
The structure of each level 2 maths test does contain some variation, however every exam board is split into section A, which is shorter and does not require a calculator, and section B, which is longer and does require a calculator. There are usually around three times as many marks available on paper B as paper A, and the total assessment time is usually around 2 hours. This website includes Open Awards papers, which are sat online. The sample papers listed here are useful to grasp how the online exams system works should you choose to sit Functional Skills Maths Level 2 with Open Awards.
Below you will find level 2 maths test questions and answers.
Edexcel Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past PapersCity and Guilds
City and Guilds Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past PapersNCFE
NCFE Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past PapersAQA
AQA Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past PapersOpen Awards
Open Awards Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past PapersPass Functional Skills Online Test
Sit our level 2 maths test onlineNOCN
NOCN Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Past PapersPass Functional Skills Practice Papers
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Functional skills maths level 2 practice papers are the ideal way to practice for the functional skills exam.
5 full exam papers in A4 booklet format.
They look and feel like real exam papers.
All original questions designed by teachers, tutors and examiners.
5 mark schemes so you can mark each and every paper.
Full specification covered so you will get exposed to all question types.