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Pass Functional Skills

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Pass Functional Skills

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  1. As I have seen on the reviews, the videos are helpful and the tracking of your score really helps when you need to pin point which area you want to revise.

  2. I am in college and taken this exam 3 times now. I really struggle with maths and nothing in college was helping. I took it on my own initiative to look for extra help and found this maths course on Google. I am feeling so much more confident now I have worked through this, who needs college? College is a total waste of time, energy and bus fees.

  3. Passed all 3 parts and got the digital certificate within a day or so. I am waiting on the physical ne but the Uni doesn’t need to see that, so I’m all good to go.

  4. Too slow on the delivery

  5. The online functional skills level 2 maths exams is not as bad as some people make out. You do have to do the revision as I sat it cold this time last year and was hopefuless but having worked through all the topic areas on the course I was confident going into this one.

  6. The course is very useful to pass thsi exam

  7. Good exam papers for functional skills English exams

  8. Had to pass this to complete my apprenticeship in hair and beauty. I can now move on with my job and career 🙂

  9. Polite customer service team who helped me to get ready for my online english level 2 exams. You have to pass all 3 to get the certificate but the reward is worth the hard work.

  10. Happy to recommend to friends

  11. They arrived in good time and as expected. Good quality card and the content appears to follow the curriculum

  12. Good cards and quick shipping.

  13. Solid set of revision papers, defintiely worth getting

  14. Shipping took 2 days and all arrived as expected

  15. Genuinely excellent exams service. Clamed my nerves and helped me to pass my level 2 maths functional skills exam.

  16. Good service for functional skills

  17. The writing is the challenging exam in my opinion. If you do the work then all should be fine.

  18. I cannot thank the team enough for helping me to achieve my English level 2 functional skills. I was able obtain my qualification quickly, with the best guidance and support from the team. The exam was set up in a brilliant format which was easy to understand and follow. The team were always quick to reply and answer any questions you may have, the online course was effective and very helpful. I would definitely recommend pass functional skills for anyone trying to achieve a level 2.

    Lucy carpenter - Functional Skills English Level 2 Course (verified owner)
  19. I completed the course within a few weeks and it defintiely helped me with the exams

  20. Neat set of revision cards

  21. Really helped my students prepare for their functional skills maths exam

  22. All ok

  23. Came in good time and content is as expected

  24. The revision cards and exam papers have been invaluable to my tutees. An excellent resource on a really useful website.

  25. I initially had an issue with my internet not being good enough but this was an easy fix, just sat closer to my router. I rearranged my exam and then passed the first time I actually sat it. Overall the service was good and the staff were friendly

  26. I found worksheets useful in revising specific topics that I am weak on

  27. Maths revision cards are simple but effective. Good delivery and easy to use website

  28. I found the exams quite worrying but they weren’t as bad as I thought. You need to pass all 3 to get the certificate. The company were good at wriitng me a letter for Uni which also helped and they didn’t charge me for this

  29. Happy with the purchase and all the revision materilson the course

  30. All good

  31. Good course

  32. Great service and a nice team as well. The maths exam itself is a little scary to begin with but do your work and you will get through it, I did!

  33. Papers have been a huge help in my revision plan

  34. The course was great and helped me to pass my level 2 maths

  35. Each topic book is full of exam questions like the actual tests. Doing it by topic rather than by exam paper helps you to see which parts of the exam you need to work on most.

  36. The revision guide helps with topics I get stuck on

  37. Yes i would recommend to others to get for maths exams

  38. I suffer with anxiety and the thought of going to a busy exam centre makes me really anxious. Being able to do the exams at home as an option was something that really calmed me down and helped me to focus on what I needed to do for the exams

  39. Not for me

  40. Helpful website and passed the level 2 functional skills maths exam online.

  41. Small book with lots of practice. Pretty cheap to buy and good delivery

  42. Exceptional website with lots of brilliant resources to help you pass maths level 2. So glad I switched from GCSE as I had already failed that 3 times and had no idea how to pass. I am okay with numbers but always found algebra hard.

  43. Good buy that helped with revision and preparation

  44. Great service

  45. You need all 3 parts of the exam to get the certificate. I passed all 3 but only scrapped through on my reading. I should have worked harder but was busy with college work, still made it 🙂

  46. Good to practise with

  47. Worht getting as it covers everything.

  48. Didn’t pass and had to do a resit which becuase I didn’t get the course I had to pay again. I thought you just paid once and got as many goes as you want but you don’t

  49. great revision materials

  50. I can’t fault them with all the support I received. I was really worried about my maths as I need it for my paramedic training and its the only thing that was stopping me from getting on the course. Thankfully all sorted now and I can move on with my life at last.