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Pass Functional Skills

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Pass Functional Skills

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  1. The level 2 English course explains what you need to know for each exam.

  2. Really useful resources, especially the video explainers which go through each subject area

  3. I did the maths level 2 exam at home and it was much less pressure than having to go to a testing centre. The service was amazing and the support there as and when I needed it.

  4. Good resources for any student who is looking to prepare for the level 2 maths exam

  5. Course was okay, had everything in 1 place and made revision easier.

  6. I wanted to do lots and lots of practice questions and this is exactly that.

  7. The maths level 2 course contains 30-40 topics and breaks them down into revision, questions and tests. I have found this structure particularly useful as I normally struggle with how to plan my revision and actually stick to it.

  8. A good book to help you to revise for the maths test.

  9. The level 2 maths exam can be a little tricky but I have found that the revision on the pass functional skills website to be very useful indeed.

  10. Our son had to complete this exam in order to move into college level 2 exam and he managed it in just 4 weeks. The staff were very helpful and friendly and I have no hesitation in recommending the service

  11. I found the course to be very helpful to show me what would be in the different level 2 exams

  12. A test that I had to do for my job application. I ididn’t get the job in the end but managed to pass my English at least, onwards and upwards as they say.

  13. Absolutely without a doubt the best course to take, highly recommend to anyone.
    Before I found this course, I was hopeless at maths, hated the subject, couldn’t remember anything, had lots of maths tutors in the past, but that never seemed to help me pass. Until I came across Pass Functional Skills, this course is well structed, lots of categories to check off the list, with video tutorials and different levels to achieve, this course has helped my confidence enormous amounts, you can study at your own pace and by yourself. I passed first time, and now find myself missing studying maths!! Something I would never have thought I would say!!
    Thank you, Pass Functional Skills Team.

    Jordan - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Course (verified owner)
  14. The pocket revision guide is super useful

  15. The English exams are not too bad. You have to pass the listening, speaking, writing and reading in order to get the certificate. Personally I thought the speaking and listening exam was easiest as you follow the guidance and its a pass basically.

  16. The website did help me to get my maths level 2 exam passed, just took me a couple of goes

  17. Really helped my daughter to get some confidence in her maths and she at last passed this and can move on from college. I don’t understand why school and college didn’t support her in the way she needed but a private service seemed to know exactly what was required.

  18. Happy with the service and maths products we got

  19. Very well structured and clear to follow. Navigation easy as well

  20. Very good and got me into my Uni course for next years start date

  21. Always helped when ever I asked for it and no trouble getting hold of people even on a Saturday.

  22. Fast delivery and useful set of revision cards

  23. The maths cards help with the understanding of the steps to help you calcualte each types of question

  24. English cards do explain things well

  25. maths level 2 course to help pass the maths exam

  26. Pleased to recommend the pass functional skills course as a way to help pass the level 2 maths exam

  27. Did the course in 2 weeks and felt confident going in to each exam

  28. Fantastic exam provider. Online learning material is very good. I have been struggling to pass this course until I contacted these guys. Passed in 6 weeks. Would highly recommend.

    Amanda Webb-morris - Admin Fee
  29. Lots and lots of questions to help with revision. The different topic questions highlight which bits you need to work on so for me it was things like ratio and percentages that I needed to get my head around

  30. Didn’t pass 🙁 I should have done more work so I only have myself to blame I they say. The resit help I am getting is reassuring.

  31. Mini test book is what I needed to get me prepared for the xam

  32. The maths level 2 exam online is so much better than college. It was easy to set up and lots of support with mocks and things before the day

  33. The English level 2 exam is tricky if you haven’t done any work. My advice is to revise for a good few weeks, especially on the writing paper as I hadn’t done much writing in a formal way for quite a while. Good luck!

  34. The cards and papers are genuinely very good and help with getting ready for the different exams of speaking, listening and reading

  35. The cards are very informative and helped our son engage with English

  36. The Level 2 English course does run through each exam type and explains what to do

  37. The worksheets are helpful in working your way through the course and knowing what topics you are good on and what you are bad on

  38. A really helpful exam provider for English exams

  39. The level 2 English exams are a little tricky but with the right revision you can get there.

  40. The best maths resource I have used. Broke all the parts down into simple and easy to understand maths. I always thought it was super complicated which it can be when you put it all together but when it is boiled down, its actually quite simple.

  41. The maths papers were a god send when getting ready for my level 2 exam.

  42. Definitely helped me with my college course to get what I needed to get done in time for the final exams

  43. Had to do this as part of my course and actually didn’t mind it as much as the GCSE maths in school which was pretty awful

  44. The pass functional skill service really did what it can to help me get ready for the english l2 test

  45. Quick delivery and parcel as expected

  46. Good practice book with lots of tips and tricks

  47. 5 star book imo

  48. Good service

  49. Neat set of maths cards to help revising the key areas of the exam

  50. Slow delivery compared to amazon