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Pass Functional Skills

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Pass Functional Skills

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  1. The exam wasn’t as hard as I had expected. Doing it all online was way easier than an exam centre.

  2. I got all the books but nothing has helped as much as this course. College have been useless and I was getting worried I would never pass this awful exam. I think this course made all the difference or maybe I just got an easier exam this time haha

  3. I was not confident in this exam at all but they helped to calm my nerves. I can move onto the level 2 English now.

  4. Didn’ pass first time with this

  5. Starts off slow and builds up to the more tricky topics. Made me feel more confident

  6. A good revision course with clear explanations

  7. The course was what I needed.

  8. thank you for all the help! Excellent website

  9. I am not good with computers and even worse with maths so the thought of me doing an online exam a few months back would have sounded crazy to me but having been let down in college I thought it was worth a go to get it done quickly. The online aspect is straight forward, just follow the instructions. The maths you just need to learn. Good luck everyone.

  10. all the topics I needed were covered and explained well. a good format and one that anyone can follow.

  11. Thank you for the videos,study materials,solved examples, worksheets, question papers with solutions, marking schemes along with answers.
    What more does a student need to pass his/her exam ? Lots of love and Hugs . Amazing website ! Can’t thank you enough for my fantabulous & FREE learning x

  12. It was not as hard as I had feared. Having failed maths at school and not done anything other than basic percentages for about 15 years I thought it was going to be impossible for me to pass in 8 weeks. I did it in 6, only just passed but it doesn’t say that on the certificate. Relived I didn’t have to resit.

  13. An outstanding resource. We have been using the website for the last 6 months, taking advantage of all the high quality free content and thought we would try the hard copies. It was worth the investment.

  14. Good website and useful resources

  15. Thoughtful staff and genuine service

  16. The exam is not as hard as some make out. Having done this course I felt ready and I took the advice about getting 60% or over and it was good advice.

  17. Maths is something I have never got on with and I was dreading this exam. It all went well in the end.

  18. a neat set of cards with a good way to cover some key areas.

  19. The pass functional skills website is an amazing resource. I got the papers and they matched up to my expectations.

  20. Happy with the purchase and the course access

  21. This helped me to pass!!! 🙂

  22. A well structured course that was good for preparing for all 3 exams.

  23. organising the tests wasn’t too difficult

  24. You need to do some mental maths for the first seciotn. My advice is to have some paper for working out as I found it really helpful.

  25. I found the service extremely positive and reassuring. I thought I was one of few people that really struggled with maths but to hear that thousands of people take this qualification every month reassured me that I’m not stupid! I didn’t work hard in school and needed to get this for my job. Thankfully I got through it in a matter of weeks and can now move on with my career.

  26. A little slow on delivery but happy with the product

  27. fully endorse using pass functional skills for your maths level 2 exam. Doing it online at home makes the whole process much less stressful.

  28. Fast delivery as every from amazon. Good content and easy to follow book. Tests are a great way to get ready for the exam

  29. good exam service that did what it can to get me ready to pass.

  30. Boom! could not be happier!! I was soo worried about these tests but managed to pass all 3 on the first go and it wasn’t as hard as I was expecting.

  31. I liked the easy to understand descriptions and the way the cards work through the different topics

  32. very good website 🙂

  33. Good definitions and examples to practice

  34. I use the pass functional skills website for all of my resources from past papers to these revision cards. My students have found all of the resources useful and I have recommended this site to my fellow tutors.

  35. Moving onto the level 2 after a succesfful level 1 exam

  36. Great resource

  37. I failed and people told me this was going to be an easy test. I wouldn’t do this exam without revising as it isn’t as easy as people make out.

  38. Excellent book thanks 😉

  39. The reading for me was the trickiest but I did the mocks and get to grips with what I needed to do.

  40. No guarantee pass for me when I ask for help to them

  41. OMG just what I need to get me through this horrible maths test

  42. Functional skills maths cards are the way forward!!! I don’t like working off a screen or too many books so something a bit different like this was great

  43. By far the best resource I found for the maths level 2. I have used another course called bskb or something and it was rubbish compared to this. The videos are the biggest thing that helps.

  44. the speed of the course was a little slow but did explain everything clearly and made preparing for the exam easier

  45. I find maths quite tricky, especially things like algebra and proportion topics. Functional skills was definitely an easier option than GCSE.

  46. If I could give 0 I would. I thought the resits were unlimited but after I failed my second exam they asked for me to pay some more. I just don’t get maths, I hate it and don’t see why this stupid test is holding me back, I have sat it more than 8 times now and I don’t know what else to do. The GCSE is way harder and more topics to learn so avoid that for certain

  47. The shipping took a few days but worth the wait. This bundle has been something to help me focus on the revision I know I need to do

  48. I find revising online tricky and I just don’t take in from books and reivison guides. The revision cards were a lot easier to et to grips with

  49. Really good service that help me to pass my exams.

  50. maths revision cards met my expectations