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Pass Functional Skills

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Pass Functional Skills

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  1. I struggle with English and this site helped me a lot for the exam

  2. The functional skills maths level 2 exam is something I was worried about for quite a while but it honestly wasn’t as bad as I was thinking.

  3. Exceptional service

  4. Yes I was happy with it all thank you

  5. Would have expected more

  6. Nursing course here I come! My dream has always to become a nurse and not having GCSE’s has always held me back. I did my English last year but still needed to get over my maths which has been a total mental barrier for me. I managed to do it at last.

  7. Great service

  8. I found the cards to be a great additional tool to help with my revision

  9. A good experience as far as an exam goes, not saying I enjoyed it but not as bad as I had feared when first registering.

  10. happy with the service received

  11. Overall happy with the course just a few improvements could be made to make it spectacular. Firstly I think some of the video explanations are a little slow at getting to the point. Secondly having a written practice that gets marked by a tutor or examiner would be great.

  12. Good guide

  13. I needed to pass my English level 2 exam to get into Uni and this exam helped me do it.

  14. Easy exam in my opinion

  15. Good book for maths level 2 revision

  16. Excellent exam set up with a lot less stress than an exam hall. Really eased my nerves when sitting the exams

  17. Very happy with this course

  18. The speaking test was easy, the reading fine and I found wiriting more tricky than the others but got through it in the end

  19. The first few days of revision were that hardest then it definitely gets easier after that so my advice is to persevere and push on.

  20. I have used a lot of different login systems as I am sure most people have. This one was far easier to use than most with a very simple layout. The content was very good, although I would like some videos to be a little slower with how they are explaining the topics and others to be a little faster for the easier topics but maybe this is just personal preference.

  21. happy with the service I received

  22. Maths is not my strong point to say the least. I needed to do lots of practice but managed to pass.

  23. I was most impressed with the exam papers as they look like the real thing and give the best practice

  24. The course was amazing and helped me to pass first time!

  25. Passed speaking with little work, same with writing but I was a little more concerned with the reading but that was fine as well.

  26. Did what it says on the tin.

  27. Did my level 2 functional skills maths with Stonebridge and really struggled to get on with their course, took the exam and failed. With Pass functional skills I found it a lot easier and got more input towards my exam.

  28. Worth it in my opinion

  29. The videos are the most useful in explaining what you need to know

  30. 🙂

  31. A solid course that does what you need it to do

  32. good revision materials

  33. A excellent service and one that I would use again if I needed to. The exam wasn’t as hard as I had expected having read forums and reviews but this was a good thing as it meant I was really prepared and was in no doubt of passing.

  34. The calculator section is definitely easier than the first section. Just make sure you revise all the top[ics, I thought I could get away with only revising some and I nearly got caught out.

  35. I needed this to get on to my course and didn’t realise you could do it all from home. Panic over.

  36. I would recommend this website. I was not confident in English having failed my gcse a number of years ago but this wasn’t as bad.

  37. The maths practice papers have been great. Work through them, mark them and see your progress take shape.

  38. A handy book to take with you to tutorials and provide quick fire tests for students.

  39. Overall a good buy. Shipping was fine, product is good quality and the info they give helps you to understand things for the exam.

  40. functional skills maths is definitely easier than the GCSE. I went to 6th form where they made me do the GCSE again and I went from a level 3 to a level 2, with absolutely no hope of passing with the rubbish support they gave. My mum found this on Google and within 6 weeks I was ready for my exam. Schools and colleges should be doing level 2 instead of GCSE.

  41. Good service and helpful staff members

  42. Di my English with this pass functional skills and got through the the 3 exams fine

  43. functional skills maths level 2 has been my nemesis! Having done it 4 times previously I was all for giving up but my friend doing social care work recommended this site as she had used it and passed and thankfully I did the same!

  44. You have to pass all 3 exams to get this qualification but bear in mind if you only fail one part then you can do just that part gain. I had 1 resit of my speaking as tbh I didn’t prepare, the second time I did and it was easy.

  45. Good people that run the service with good instructions in how to do the test.

  46. I liked the way the cards work through the course and give you the chance to answer questions on each topic

  47. I found the method explanations the most useful to see how to actually approach exam questions and what to do in a step by step way.

  48. A service I would definitely recommened. I struggled to pass my English level 2 exam with another provider and didn’t think I would ever pass. I got so much more support from here thank you.

  49. Nice cards to prep you for exam