Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Books

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PFS Team July 5, 2022

There are all sorts of ways to revise for the level 2 exams, but a great place to start is a functional skills Maths level 2 book. At Pass Functional Skills, we support learners with a plethora of different resources, including functional skills books and revision guides. In this short blog, we will cover the best functional skills Maths level 2 books to help people start their revision journey.

Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Book – Pocket Guide


Functional skills maths level 2 book and revision guide



Summary:  This pocket guide is a must-have for anyone preparing for their level 2 maths exam. The pocket guide is a revision guide that condenses the key methods, explaining what you need to know to pass your exam on the first attempt. Learn the methods, practice the questions, and feel confident about passing your exam.


Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Book – Mini Tests

functional skills maths level 2 book


Summary: This best-selling functional skills Maths book does what it says on the front cover! It provides short tests, which are a great way to identify gaps in knowledge, and put into practice what you have learnt. The mini tests are also a great way to track your progress between periods of intensive revision, as you should start to see your scores progress with each test you do.

You can get both of these books directly off Amazon, to ensure super fast shipping via Amazon Prime. As well as functional skills Maths revision guides, we also have lots and lots of other resources to help people pass their exam. From a comprehensive course to a pack of revision guides, we have every aspect of the functional skills Maths level 2 qualification covered. Pass your functional skills Maths level 2 exam with the support of Pass Functional Skills.

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Pass Functional Skills Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.