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Pass Functional Skills

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Pass Functional Skills

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  1. Helpful service that helped me to pass maths after no support in college

  2. I found the videos very helpful and the practice questions work up in difficulty helping confidence to grow. Worth the investment if you are serious about passing

  3. I have not sat the exam yet but I have received the absolute best customer service when booking a date for my English level 2 online exam.

    The representative was polite, patient, caring and accommodating which took a lot of anxiety off my shoulders.
    I was using the quick chat option and believe that their name was Karen (the conversation took place on the 9th of April, at 1pm), I want to use this opportunity to thank them again for being so awesome!

  4. outstanding course. I initially got a cheap one online and it wasn’t much use. This one on the other hand, without doubt, helped me pass.

  5. good service but hard exam

  6. I did the level 2 exam and found everything to be fine

  7. I don’t like maths and this wasn’t helpful for me

  8. Not easy like people say and you had to do resit if you don’t get mark. I passed 1 bit but need to resit the others.

  9. Maths is hard and this exam was supposed to be much easer according to what everyone else says. I can do deciamls and percentages but shapes and ratio, who needs this information?? If you don’t like maths then be aware it isn’t easy.

  10. I found the videos the best thing about the course and the score feedback.

  11. Simply put this is the best service for functional skills. The revision materials were really good and the support as well.

  12. What a service. After struggling with my previous provider, I booked this course. The customer service and learning resources are fantastic. After just 3 weeks of booking, I had the functional skills pass needed. I am now due to qualify next week. The staff within this company went above and beyond to meet my demands. Thank you.

  13. I received great support and invaluable advice about pass marks, how to revise and other instructions that really help to settle my nerves. Brilliant service.

  14. Exam was too hard for me

  15. Good explanatory videos and questions to help you revise.

  16. Too hard!!!!!!!

  17. Happy to leave a review as the service I experienced was flawless. Booking was straight forward and I got all the info via email ready for my exam day

  18. Good explaantion of how to do each bit of the exam. I would highly recommend this course.

  19. Genuinely exceptional course. I have 3 students using it and they are making great progress.

  20. Useful set of cards

  21. Very happy with the support given to help me pass

  22. I had a good experience using the course.

  23. A useful revision aid for English

  24. Absolutely over the moon!!! 5 stars doesn’t seem enough! Passed my exam after hammering the online revision, easy to log on to the exam on the day and the examiner made me feel so calm and relaxed. Needless to say I passed the exam and can now qualify!!! Thank you so much!

    Sam D - Functional Skills Maths Level 2 Exam (verified owner)
  25. Straight forward service making exams much easier to do from home and faster results than the GCSE exams. I would recommend to anyone looking to get into University.

  26. Happy with the servie and happy to leave a 5 star review 🙂

  27. I was so so worried about this test. Maths is not my strong point lets say. This company helped me all the way to the exam and were really considerate and reassured me. Definitely worth it! 🙂

  28. Brilliant service that helped me to pass my English level 2

  29. A handy resource to have in addition to the free past papers. The cards are informative and I can see why many students like them.

  30. An excelletn service with all the help you need to pass functional skills English level 2. I got into Uni with this certificate and I can now pursue my dream of becoming a paramedic. Thank you so much!!!

  31. All good!

  32. Very good staff and helpful people

  33. I found the percentages and graph explanations extremely helpful in my exam revision.

  34. Very good product

  35. I hated English in school and never saw the point until I needed it for my apprenticeship. I failed 3 times with my provider and thought I had no chance until I found this site. They set me up with the course and I passed speaking and reading first time. I did one resit for writing and passed that to get the certificate.

  36. Definitely worth getting to help prepare for the exam

  37. Very good course

  38. The videos are very good and the online exams show you how to succeed in the actual exam

  39. It was all fine thank you

  40. Excellent functional skills maths course

  41. I got accepted onto my apprenticeship thanks to this service. I never got my GCSE English in school, although I did pass literature they need Language or a functional skills. I did the exam only option but they still helped me with mock papers and advice to help me pass. Thanks!

  42. Good help from the support staff at the functional skills service

  43. Every topic is covered. The revision videos are really helpful and the fact that you can see what score you get on each test.

  44. The explanations are clear and easy to follow

  45. I sat with Learndirect and did not pass after 2 attempts. I was really worried I would not pass. When I called this website they reassured me they could help. The customer service was amazing and gave me the confidence to take the maths exam again. This time I passed, only just but thats all that matters, I got the qualification!

  46. We got access to this after using BKSB and I must say that our learners got on much better with the revision materials. Much easier to follow and to actually learn from the materials.

  47. Good English level 2 course

  48. I am in no doubt this is the best functioanl skills exams service. I did my English first but was really worried about this maths one. Passed both first time round with no complaints at all

  49. The video explanations are really clear. Every time you answer a question you can watch a video to understand where all the marks are awarded

  50. 5 out of 5 website